AMD has been busy improving their Temash and Kabini lines to compete with Intel's hot new Bay Trail architecture. This February one new APU has been added to the Temash family, and Kabini picked up three new models.
The A4-1350 is basically the same as the A6-1450, but without the Turbo function. The E1-2200 trades low-voltage DDR3 support for a 50 MHz CPU clock bump, hardly worth it in my opinion. The first quad-core APU in the E-series is the E2-3800, which is basically a slower version of the A4-5000 without low-voltage RAM support. The A4-5100 is to the A4-5000 what the A4-1350 is to the A6-1450: the CPU runs 50 MHz faster, and low-voltage RAM support has been removed. Will these new models make a dent in Intel's market share? Probably not. There aren't any groundbreaking features added, and performance is still not enough for the latest AAA games. Rumor has it, though, that AMD's next-generation ultramobile APU's, codenamed Beema and Mullins, will be a gamechanger. We shall see.